The number of people using the internet and search engines daily

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Submitting those articles was enough to put you in the company of some of the top authors in most niches, and your articles were likely to appear high in search engine results because there were a lot less websites back then. Fast forward ten years to today and we’ve seen an explosion in the number of live websites competing on search engines. The number of people using the internet and search engines daily has also exploded. As more web content producers enter the market and more consumers are looking for information, it takes more articles to get the same amount of attention you were getting in the past.

As more web content producers enter the market and more consumers are looking for information, it takes more articles to get the same amount of attention you were getting in the past. In 2011, you need more like 200-500 articles to begin to get that same return you used to be able to get with a couple dozen articles. This can seem like a daunting task, but it’s not so bad if you start “thinking bigger” with your article writing and marketing strategy. In this video, I’ll show you a few steps that’ll get you to scale up your article marketing efforts and start thinking big.

If you want to become efficient at anything in life, it’s likely you’ll need some education to get you where you want to be. Assuming you have the interest, it’s likely cost, value, and accessibility/timing will be the three largest factors in determining whether or not you’ll take the steps necessary to acquire training. The definition of value and investment likely means something different for you than it does to the next person, but the definition of accessibility is likely to be universal.
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Par jimgreen0007 le mercredi 09 mars 2011


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